Restricted Key
Restricted Key
A restricted key adds another layer of security for your home or office. With this extra security though, it does make things difficult for yourself.
A restricted key means you can only get a spare key from the manufacturer or from the locksmith that installed the locks. With this extra layer of security, not anyone can make a copy of your key. The Manufacturer or Locksmith is provided with a key that has a unique set of secondary cuts separate from the primary cuts that operate the locking device. Primary cuts are decided by the manufacturer or locksmith like a normal key, which is dependent on your unique situation.
Restricted Key
This special key way works with just about any locking device. The most common use is on door knobs/levers and deadbolts. Similar to what can be found in residential uses. But this key way also works for commercial on your storefront door.
We personally can provide you with a Schlage Primus restricted key. As Heart of America Locksmith, we can say we love it. Primus is currently in use on our storefront locks, with an Electronic Access Control System. We have yet to run into any problems with this special key way and know that our tools and equipment are safe behind this key.